Easter image background

Happy, Hoppy Easter Images

Colorful eggs, a basket brimming with sweets, a curious bunny hopping by - you know what this means. Spring has sprung and Easter is here! Shutterstock is the best place to find Easter images to meet your needs. Thousands of talented contributors from around the world regularly add high-quality visual content to our library. This means a vast array of beautiful Easter images, from Easter card greetings in a multitude of languages to photos of Easter flowers in full bloom. Read on for tips on how to find the perfect Easter image for your Facebook cover photo, social media post, website banner, and beyond.

How to use Easter images in email

  • When Easter day arrives, let your loved ones know you care by sending a virtual Easter card. Shutterstock’s library offers beautiful calligraphy to express your Easter wishes. Send a joyful message with a vibrant tie-dyed font that reads Spring is here! Or go the elegant route with a Happy Easter that appears hand-painted onto an egg.

  • Hosting an Easter brunch or egg hunt and want to email a fun invitation? Explore Shutterstock’s Easter invitation templates. An open envelope with spring flowers blooming forth is sure to let your invitees know you have something sweet planned.

  • Want to send out a spring-time newsletter? Add some Easter bunny clipart to keep things festive and fun. A number of Easter bunny templates can be found in the Shutterstock library. For a more subtle hint of Easter, try ringing your newsletter with Easter flowers such as classic White Easter lilies or spring-time favorites, tulips or daffodils.

How to use Easter images in email

Browse Easter images, photos, and illustrations

Trending Easter images and backgrounds

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Easter Trending Image #8

What to expect in an Easter image

Easter is a celebration of hope and rebirth. There are a number of familiar images and symbols associated with the holiday, from the religious (e.g., Christian cross backlit by a sunrise) to the secular (e.g., Easter flowers blooming in the park). The Easter image you choose to use depends on your intended message and audience. Whether you are looking to update your social media account with a Happy Easter! cover photo or hoping to find an Easter bunny clipart to add to your Easter card, the Shutterstock library has what you need.

Questions about Easter images and backgrounds

How to find Easter images?

With Shutterstock’s powerful search engine, finding Easter images is easy, far easier than finding those well-hidden Easter eggs in the yard, in fact. Type “Easter” into the search bar and you will have hundreds of thousands of images to choose from. To narrow your search, simply type more specific keywords. Search “Easter eggs,” “Easter flowers,” or “Easter card,” and explore the corresponding images. Use the many filter options to further narrow your results. Select the exact type of image you have in mind by clicking the “All images” dropdown menu to the left of the search bar. High-resolution photos, vectors, or illustrations await. Other filter options include main color in the image, images with or without people, as well as age, gender, and ethnicity of the people in the image results. When you find that perfect image, remember: the same rules apply to bountiful Easter baskets and beautiful Easter photos . . . share with the ones you love!

What are popular Easter messages?

There are many popular Easter messages out there. This can make choosing the greeting for your Easter card a bit overwhelming. Take a look below for a brief list of possible Easter messages, organized by tone: Classic & Straightforward - Happy Easter! - Wishing you a basket full of blessings this Easter! - Here’s to hoping you have a joyous Easter and a sweet spring! - I’m so grateful to have you in my life. Happy Easter! - Sending you sweet thoughts and lots of love this Easter! Funny & Playful - Some bunny loves you - To my favorite basket case . . . Happy Easter! (Be sure to send an Easter basket with this one!) - Easter is the best time to look for chicks . . . Good luck, bro! - Sending all the Easter joy to one of my favorite peeps! - I hope you find eggactly what you’re looking for this Easter!

How to download free Easter images?

Download free Easter images from Shutterstock’s vast library in a few simple clicks. Enter “Easter” into the search bar and explore the myriad results. Hoppy bunnies, decorated eggs, abundant Easter baskets, and more await. Apply the available filters to narrow your search results or enter a more specific keyword to get the exact image you have in mind. Once you have found the picture, vector, or illustration that you would like to download, click on it. You can then download immediately by clicking the red “Download” button. If you would like to alter the image by adding effects, text, or photo filters, click the “Edit this image” icon. When your edits are complete, click the red “Download” button in the top right corner of the editing page.

What makes Easter images beautiful?

Joy, hope, and gratitude, that’s what Easter is all about. Images that depict such profound feelings tend to strike the viewer as beautiful. Why? Perhaps because these images reflect the natural human desire to laugh and share love with the people we hold dear. Easter images that incorporate nature are quite lovely and soothing to the eye. A photo of a cloud with rays of sunshine breaking free to illuminate the green grass below speaks of hope, spring, and better days ahead. Two hands held up before the sun to cup the light reflect a sense of one’s own inner capability. A richly decorated egg reminds the viewer of all the potential growth just waiting to break out of the shell. Photographs of people enjoying the holiday also tend to affect viewers in a positive way. Children giggling as they hunt for Easter eggs in a park, a family wearing bunny ears and making silly faces, or a little boy digging into his holiday chocolate, can all remind viewers to take a step back from work and enjoy the sweeter things in life.

What are the attributes of Easter images?

Easter images have several recognizable attributes: Easter eggs: Artfully decorated eggs in a variety of colors are often seen in Easter images. They may be plastic or hard-boiled, hand-painted with designs, or all one hue. Easter basket: A special basket gifted to loved ones as part of the Easter celebration, the Easter basket often includes, you guessed it, Easter eggs. They may also contain chocolates, toys, or other gifts. Easter bunny: The Easter bunny may appear as a creative illustration, an actual bunny, or as bunny ear headpieces. The bunny is often depicted carrying an Easter basket full of goodies. Spring: Green grass, red tulips, yellow daffodils, all say that after a long winter, spring is finally here. Spring and Easter alike are associated with renewal and fresh starts, so it’s no wonder that Easter flowers and children searching for Easter eggs on a spring day often appear in Easter images.

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